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Recently, kidnapping and  child trafficking have become a menace in the country.  The federal government with the concerned departments has been fighting day and night to bring this to a stop. Upon all the sensitization and severe punishment given to culprits,  many hardened criminals are still deaf to stop criminality. 

A yet to be identified middle-aged lady was caught in the early  morning of yesterday while trying to make away with a two months old baby.  The incident occurred at the popular “Mammy market” located at Army Barracks in Obinze Owerri West Local Government  area along Port Harcourt Road Owerri Imo State.

According to an eyewitness, the mother of the said baby finished bathing and dressing her child, went in to pick her ringing phone only to come out and could not find her baby.  On looking up, she saw the  said woman running away  with the child.

Her screaming voice attracted neighbours and passers-by who apprehended her and gave her the beating of her life after getting the baby from her. Then she was handed over to the police.

According to the source, the woman would have been lynched and given  instant jungle justice if not that the environment is in  the vicinity of the Army.

Kidnapping has continued to be a very big menace in Imo State.  An average of two kidnapping incidents are recorded weekly in the  state.

The Imo state government has been putting extra effort to ensure that kidnapping is completely eradicated in the state. Recently, a good number of kidnapping suspects were paraded in the state.

Indegenes of the state are  advised to keep watching eyes on their wards. Especially children during and after school hours.Children and girls are more vulnerable. And always the victims of kidnapping. Young girls are advised not to hang out with men they are not familiar with. While people should always report suspicious activities and movements around them to security outfits.

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