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Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)

A woman from Baltimore, Maryland in the United States of America has had to get a hysterectomy and will also have her toes amputated after she developed complications from the use of a birth control.


Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


Following doctor’s instruction, Tania Smith got an IUD after she had her daughter. She was told it was the best form of birth control so she agreed to it. She had had it in for 3 years and it never gave her problems until last November.


Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


She said she went for her yearly checkup last October and was asked if she had a birth control. She replied in the affirmative but when they checked, they didn’t see anything. In November, she felt a sharp pain and went to the hospital again and an x-ray revealed the birth control was there but it had been shifted far up her stomach, into her liver. A surgery was suggested. However, following surgery, she began bleeding uncontrollably and had to be taken back to the hospital.


Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


At the hospital, they discovered she was having internal bleeding. They cut her open again and discovered her ovaries were black. They had to give her a hysterectomy (removal of her uterus) so she could live. She was placed in ICU and, while there, she went into shock and her organs began to fail, so she had to be placed on a breathing machine.


Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


The complications also caused her hands and feet to decay. She will have to have her toes amputated next week to keep it from spreading.


Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


Tanai is sharing her story to warn other women of the possible complications that could result from the use of IUD.

She wrote on Facebook:

Sometimes things happens in your life and you dont know why. You question yourself why me or what did i do to deserve this? But what you should be asking is what can i learn from it. Im finally coming out to tell my story because i feel like i can help someone.

Im not here for people opinions but to simply tell my story. Six weeks after i had my daughter i was offered by the doctors a form of birth control called the IUD. I accepted because i was told that it was safe and it was he best type. It had never gave me any problems up until November of 2017. I had it for 3 years so far. I was told that it is good for 5 years.

I went to my yearly check up in October and i was asked about birth control and i told that i had an IUD. They checked and told me that they couldnt find an IUD and that it may have fell out but i knew for a fact that wasnt the case. They sent me to get two types of ultrasounds the same day and i was told once again that they didnt see an IUD.

One day jn the beginning of November i was at work i had a sharp pain and the bottom right of my stomach and the first thing that popped in my head was is this that IUD? But i tried to brush it off but the pain was getting worse. I left work 3 hours early to go to the hospital. I went to the hospital and i told them what was going on and what the doctors was telling me so they immediately sent me to get an Xray done. The doctor came in the with a weird look on her face and said the IUD is definitely in there but its pushed up in your stomach so you will have to get surgery. She told me to call my OBGYN to schedule a date.

I went and talked to my OBGYN, told him everything that was going on and even showed him the Xray picture that they allowed me to take. So he also said i have to get surgery. So i asked him how would they have to get it out and he told me they would cut me right under my belly button and use a scope.

On December 13th i went in to get the procedure done. Instead of 1 , i was cut 3 times. One under my belly button and one on each of my side. They was able to get it out but it was broken into pieces. I was told that it had moved up to my liver.

When i left the hospital i was bleeding but my mom was told that it was normal. Over night i begin to bleed heavier and the pain got worse. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and once i got to the hospital my mom told the doctors everything that was going on.

They rushed me to xrays done and then rushed me to surgery. I was bleeding internally. After the surgery my mom was told that when they open me up, my ovaries was black and that they had to give me a hysterectomy. After the surgery i went into septic shock causing me to be in ICU for a few weeks. I died on that surgery table. While in ICU my organ began to fail. I was on a breathing machine, i was on dialysis cause my kidneys wasnt working right.

Everythint that could possibly go wrong went wrong. My parents was told that i was the worst patient on the floor and that they didnt think i was going to make it. But with faith and God the prayers that everyone sent out, i am here today.

Next week i have to get myself prepare again for a second surgery to get my toes amputated by i swear i came so far and im not letting anything stop me.

Birth control complications causes lady to lose her uterus and leaves her with decayed hand and feet (graphic photos)


About Precious Ropalia

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