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Rhesus Factor is a protein present on the surface of the red-blood cell.

Many women may be married for years without a child. Some may be having series of abortions. Yet they have no idea of the origin of their problems.

A South African woman married in 1999. From 1999 till date, she has been rocked with 10 heart breaking miscarriages.

She blames the terrible experience on the witches in her village. Without knowing that she and the medical dysfunctional system are responsible for this.

Many individuals have never heard of the word “RHESUS FACTOR”.

RHESUS FACTOR (Rh factors)

Rhesus Factor is a protein present on the surface of the red-blood cell. Many people or rather a greater percentage of human beings have this protein. Only few like 10% don’t have the protein.

Nevertheless, Rhesus factor is genetic. It is inherited from the parents and always from the father.

Moreover, people that have the Rh factor are Rh positive (Rh+). While those who do not have the Rh factor are grouped as Rh negative (Rh-).

The + and – in the blood group is the rhesus factor.

So, there are A+, A-, O+, O-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-.

If an individual is Rh positive eg (A+, B+, O+, AB+), the individual is safe.

On the other hand, if an individual is negative eg (A-, B-, AB-, O-) the individualis not safe.

However, males with Rh – are safe, but females are not safe.


If a Rhesus negative woman gets pregnant for a Rhesus negative man, there is no complications.

But, if the same Rh- woman gets pregnant for a man who is Rh+ there is serious complications.

Most people are Rh positive. Only very few are Rh negative. Therefore, the possibilities of an Rh- woman to find an Rh- man is very rare. And this the major problem of this condition.

Now, let us assume that the South African woman mentioned earlier is Rh- . Then during her school days, she aborted a pregnancy.

If the man who got her pregnant then was Rh+, obviously her baby was rh+.
During the said abortion, the Rh+ blood came in contact with her Rh- blood. She had carried an almost irreversible problem.

Once Rh- comes in contact with an rh+, certain antibodies are activated.

These antibodies are activated to stop anything they think is a threat from coming into the body. Example, a pregnancy is seen as a threat by these antibodies.

Therefore, a Rh- woman with an activated antibodies would keep having miscarriages.

These antibodies will keep fighting and removing any foetus.

The woman might end up childless. And if not properly informed, she might think she is under a demonic oppression.

Therefore, she will be spending nights in prayer houses and other percieved solution grounds out of ignorance.

She may even think that God has forsaken Her.

Women with activated antibodies are Rh sensitized. And once these antibodies are activated it can never be deactivated until the woman dies.


Antibodies are activated in a Rh- woman by abortion, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and child birth.

During child birth by a Rh- woman who was impregnated by a Rh+ man, the baby inherits rhesus factor from the man.

Once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery the antibodies are immediately activated.

Therefore, after that particular child birth the woman would keep having miscarriages. This is because the activated antibodies would as usual fight off any foreign body.


Rhesus Factor antibodies can be stopped from being activated.

This is done by administering an injection known as RH IMMUNOGLOBULIN.

RH IMMUNOGLOBULIN is administered to a Rhesus negative woman .


Immunoglobulin injection is administered 28 weeks into pregnancy.

72 hours after delivery.

Immediately after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion.

Above all, if immunoglobulin is not administered, the antibodies would be activated. Once the antibodies are activated, it will never be deactivated.

Dysfunctional health system that does not promote proper Rhesus factor sensitization left the South African woman helpless after one mistake.

Mothers should tell their girls and sisters about Rhesus Factor. A Rh- girl must be extremely careful.

Because of the low percentage of Rh- people, it’s extremely rare to find a Rh- man.

Therfore, the possibility of getting pregnant for a Rh+ man is high.

Once the woman gets pregnant for a positive man and rushes to have a quick abortion. She might have as well jeopardized her future for life.


Good enough, a woman with a negative Rhesus factor has no problem.

Here is no cause for concern. As long as she is aware of her health status. She can however controlled it with RH IMMUNOGLOBULIN INJECTION.


A Rh- man or woman cannot receive blood donation from a Rh+. This will lead to death as the blood would immediately clog and cake.

Make it a point of duty today to know your rhesus factor and educate others.

Check into any near by hospital and test your blood group

About Precious Ropalia

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