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The tension between Iran and United States of America is on its climax. This comes as Iran unveils red flag.

This is as a result of the killing of an Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani by Washington in an airstrike.

However, Global leaders have started assessing the depth of the situation. And many are afraid that it might lead to World War 3. Which may result in destabilisation of the Middle East.

Nevertheless, for the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkarān Mosque. Thi’s symbolise a severe battle to in view.

Moreover, the disturbing war flag reads the words: “Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein.”

Furthermore, leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed vowed on Friday “severe revenge” in response to the killing of Soleimani. 

Meanwhile, Iranian official including the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed the Islamic Republic will take revenge for the commander and others killed. 

An airstrike occurred early on Friday at Baghdad international airport. This killed the Iranian commander with other Iraqi commanders. 

However, international relation scholars have argued that this could lead to escalation and all-out war.

Despite growing concern from world leaders, Donald Trump said that the attack against the general is more likely to have prevented World War 3 than caused it. 

US Trump stated that US killing of Iran’s top military chief General Qassem Soleimani “should have been done a long time ago”.



“We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. US was not seeking regime change in Iran, but c the world is a safer place without “monsters” such as Gen Soleimani”.

While on BBC the international relation scholar added that the attack was “not a wise decision at all” and may lead to further escalation in the region.

Mr Gerges said: “Imagine a scenario where Iran retaliates against American forces.

“There are tens of thousands of American forces in the middle east and more are coming in the next few days.

“You have military bases in Kuwait, Qatar, you have military ships.

“If the Iranians retaliate against the American’s and the American’s retaliates back this could be a trigger for a region-wide conflict.”

Jamkaran is a significant mosque on the outskirts of the holy city of Qom, some 160 kilometres south of Tehran. This is where Iran unveils red flag.

NBC’s Ali Arouzi also commented on the severe implications of the flag being raised over the Mosque.

On his Twitter, he said: “Very very unusual to see a red flag flying over the holy Mosque of Jamkaren in Qom, Iran’s holiest city.

“It is almost always blue and the iran unveils red flag symbolises revenge.” he concluded.

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About Precious Ropalia

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