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Ruby Bridges was a black American. At 6 years old, she was the first black child to attend an all-White elementary school in the south.

Ruby Nell Bridges Hall  was born in September 8, 1954.

Today, Ruby is currently an American civil rights activist.

Ruby Nell Bridges Hall  was born in September 8, 1954. Today, Ruby is currently an American civil rights activist.

She was the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis on 14 November 1960.

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Bridges is the subject of a 1964 painting, The Problem We All Live With by Norman Rockwell.

For her to attend school the first day, men with guns had to make way for her through a crowd of grown men and women.

These adult men and women were screaming “Nigger” “Nigger” and threatening the life of Ruby Bridges while waving confederate flags.

When Ruby entered her classroom, nearly all the teachers abandoned the school except only one.

In her classroom, all her classmates abandoned the class refusing to sit with the 6 years old Ruby.

For the entire school year, Ruby went to school to a classroom that was just only her and that only teacher that did not reject her.

However, she refused to eat any food that was not pre-packaged and sealed. And most of the food she ate were prepared by her patents.

This was because some white protestors often threatened to poison her like a rat.

Today, Ruby is 65 years old.

She is younger than most of our parents.

There are still a lot of urgent work to do on racial equity.

The world should embrace one another and put an end to racism.


About Precious Ropalia

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