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The Cambridge Trust Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships 2020/2021 for International Students is out.

Cambridge University has opened application window for all scholarships. Applicants are expected to apply to the University of Cambridge through online application form.

However, most of the scholarships requires candidates to apply before the relevant deadline.

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Application Closing Date: 

Undergraduate application will close on the  15th of October 2019, by 6.00 pm (UK time). 

Moreover, there are some exceptions.  For candidate applying for undergraduate study and wish to be interviewed in China, Malaysia or Singapore. Their closing date is 20th of September 2019.

Meanwhile, deadlines for graduates in LLM Law are as early as mid-November. And there will be two general course deadlines of 3rd December 2019 and 7th January 2020.

Period of Offer : Annually

Eligible Countries: International Countries.

Venue of Examination: Cambridge, UK

Type: Undergraduate and Graduate

Eligibility: Below are guidelines on eligibility for all scholarships that are available from the Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust:

All students, irrespective of nationality, are eligible to be considered for funding by the Trust.

The Trust does not accept applications from students who are part-way through a course at Cambridge. Unless they are applying for funding towards a higher degree course following graduation.

Candidates should find out more about their fees status, see information on the University’s web pages for undergraduates and for postgraduates.

Furthermore, applicants must be intending to start a course at the level of undergraduate (excluding UK/EU applicants) Masters such as MPhil, MASt, LLM or research postgraduate (such as PhD).

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: Full-funded

Duration of Program: This depends on the duration of candidates program.

How to Apply: Candidates should try to apply by the relevant deadline set for entry for their particular courses. And candidates should complete the ‘Funding’ section in the online Applicant Portal in order to be considered for funding.

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: University of Cambridge


The Trust does not offer many scholarships to students on undergraduate courses. However, the Trust has many more scholarship programmes available to postgraduate students.  Approximately 85% of the scholarships awarded each year are to students taking Masters or PhD degrees.

Secondly, the Trust will not support students at a degree level that is the same as, or lower than, a degree they already hold, with two exceptions. –Application from a student who is required to take a second Masters degree at Cambridge in order to gain admission to the PhD here, or from an international (non-EU) student who is proposing to study as an affiliated student at Cambridge for a second BA degree will not be considered

Thirdly, the Trust does not have scholarships available for post-doctoral positions, or for visiting or exchange students.

Finally, the Trust does not have scholarships available for part-time postgraduate degrees. And part-time undergraduate study is not available at the University.

Applicants should fill their online form before the deadline

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