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This article is about the major eye problems in human beings and their natural solutions. The eye is one of the most amazing organs in the body with incredible high precision and performance. All the muscles of the eye are in constant motion to perform three tasks simultaneously for vision.
This article is about the major eye problems in human beings and their natural solutions. The eye is one of the most amazing organs in the body with incredible high precision and performance. All the muscles of the eye are in constant motion to perform three tasks simultaneously for vision.

Easy And Simple Tips To Prevent And Cure Cataract (video)

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Cataract is the opaqueness of the eye lens. A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that leads to a decrease in vision. This often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. It causes half of all cases of blindness worldwide.

Lens with Cataract and normal lens

In the olden days, cataracts was said to occur in human beings as a result of ageing process. It was believed that nothing could be done to prevent it.

Nevertheless, today, it has been confirmed that there is a close relationship between a person’s diet and cataract formation. The use of certain diets and medications increase the chances of having this disease while the use of some other decreases the chance of contracting it.

Healthy eye and catarat eye

Therefore, it is of high importance to note the activities one should follow to avoid this deadly disease. Below are some of the simple steps to follow in order to prevent cataract or correcting existing ones.


Causes of cataracts:

Some confirmed sources of catarat include the following :
Trauma, Aging, Genetic factors, Radiation exposure, After effects of eye surgery.

Cataracts eye and non cataract eye

Symptoms of cataract: The symptoms of this eye disease include the following:
Faded colors of the eye, blurry vision, Halos around light, trouble with bright lights, trouble seeing at night.

Complications of cataract: Below are some complications of catarat if left untreated on time.
Depression, Blindness, Falling.

Cataract eye and non cataract eye

However, the risk factors of catract include but not restricted to:
Diabetes, Smoking tobacco, Alcohol etc.

Nevertheless, Catarct can be treated by the use of certain types of eye glasses or cataract surgery. Morever, it has been confirmed that diet play a lot in the prevention and treatment of cataract.

Normal eye

Below are some diet that completely prevent cataract:

Squash: The combination of Beta carotene and potassium present in squash prevents the formation of cataract.

Antioxidants: A diet rich in antioxidant like Beta carotene, Vitamin C and E prevents the action of free radicals and the formation of cataract.

Cataraact eye

Vitamin C: Because of high content of antioxidant in vitamin C, it prevents the development of cataract.

Vitamin E: This is also a good antioxidant which is effective in the prevention of cataract. Some sources include : Wheat germ, corn oil, etc. Lack of vitamin E leads to loss of vision and cataracts.

Prevention: Avoid the following diets:

Diary products: Milk Sugar or lactose is formed from two monosaccharides, galactose and glucose. Some people do not metabolize galactose properly as a result of genetic factors. This pre-disposes to opaqueness of the eye lens.

Research has shown that poorly metabolized galactose provokes cataract.While excessive use of diary products by individuals who are unable to assimilate them well may result in cataract. This occurs often in the elderly.

Total fat: Research has shown that the more a diet contains fat, the higher the risk of cataracts.

Butter: According to a study carried out at the University of Milan, Italy, butter is the food that raises the risk of cataract the most. Especially when consumed regularly.

Salt: Excessive use of salt has been attributed to the formation of cataract.

Coffee: Caffeine has been known to increase the chances of cataracts.

Advance Treatment of cataracts:

Nonsurgical Treatment:

In order to slow the development of cataracts, it is generally recommended that patients eat a balanced diet. The diet should comprise of those mentioned above.

The patient should also prevent excessive exposure to UltraViolet (UV) radiation by using good quality UV blocking sunglasses, avoiding injuries by using protective eyewear, and if diabetic closely control blood sugar levels.

However, other approaches to temporarily improve visual function include careful refraction to get the best-corrected vision, pharmacological dilation, increased lighting and the use of magnifiers for near work.https://m.theepochtimes.com/

Surgical Treatment:

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures performed around the world and has a very high success rate.


However, the most common type of cataractt surgery in the utilizes ultrasound energy to break the cataract into particles small enough to aspirate through a handpiece. This technique is referred to as phacoemulsification.

Other techniques include manual extracapsular cataracts extraction (ECCE) in which the entire nucleus of the cataract is removed from the eye in one piece after extracting it from the capsular bag.

While ECCE traditionally involved a large incision that required multiple sutures, a newer techinique known by many names (such as manual small incision cataract surgery or small incision ECCE) allows for manual extraction without the need for any sutures.

Cataracts patients who underwent surgery
While ECCE traditionally involved a large incision that required multiple sutures, a newer techinique known by many names (such as manual small incision cataract surgery or small incision ECCE) allows for manual extraction without the need for any sutures.

Nevertheless, the goal in modern cataract surgery is not only the removal of the cataracts, but also the replacement of the cataracts with an intraocular lens (IOL). The IOL is typically placed during the cataract surgery, and may be placed in the capsular bag as a posterior chamber lens (PCIOL), in the ciliary sulcus, as a sulcus lens, or in the anterior chamber anterior to the iris as an anterior chamber lens (ACIOL).

Watch this video.

How surgery is done in cataracts (Video credit, Advanced Laser and cataracts Centre of Oklahoma)

Morever, there are multiple types of IOLs that may be used in modern cataract surgery, including monofocal, multifocal, accomodative, and astigmatism-correcting lenses.

All the same, the goal of all IOLs is to improve vision and limit dependency upon spectacles or contact lenses.

People with catarat experience the following:

Blurred vision.

Inability to see in dim light.

Seeing halos around lights.

Vision loss.


Adequate light, especially while reading and writing.

Proper eye glasses or contact lenses should be worn as prescribed by the physician.

Avoid night driving as much as possible

Take proper rest and practice eye movement exercises.

Can cataract be removed by homeopathic medicine?

Be aware that homeopathic drops trigger the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the aqueous to nourish and detoxify the living tissue of the crystalline lens.

Cineraria maritima has been used homeopathically for over one hundred years to safely and effectively treat cataracts.

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Sources: Advanced Laser and cataracts Centre of Oklahoma, Infinity Retina, cataract FB Live seminar.

About Precious Ropalia

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