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These Two Natural Items Will Save Your Life, Relationship, Marriage And Stop Evil Attack

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There are a lot of natural items in the world which nature has designed to help and protect the human race. But owing to the fact that man has been constantly destroying nature, a good number of these natural helpers are not discovered and mined.

Science has proven that everything in nature has an advantage as well as disadvantage. Majority of them are beneficial to health and longevity. While others are to protect man from both negative and positive forces of nature.

This article is centered on the use of two common natural items to solve many negative occurrences in the life of human beings. When instructions are followed strictly, nothing hinders positive results.

Below are the natural items.

? GARLIC (Allium sativum)

This belongs to the family of Liliaceae which has about 3500 herbaceous plants and trees Allium is the most important genus of this family from dietary point of view.

GARLIC (Allium sativum)

Many of this species form bulbs (underground enlargement of the stalk). They all contain sulfurated essential oils which are very volatile and piquant.

Garlic is believed to have the power of repelling and warding off negative forces

Plants from the genus Allium lower Cholesterol and are anti carcinogens, combats hypertension, stimulates the immune system, inhibits the formation of malignant tumors and acts as antibiotics.


Garlic is believed to have the power of repelling and warding off negative forces


According to Wikipedia, Sea salt is salt that is produced by the evaporation of seawater. It is used as a seasoning in foods, cooking, cosmetics and for preserving food. It is also called bay salt, solar salt, or simply salt. Like mined rock salt, production of sea salt has been dated to prehistoric times. Wikipedia

The Sea Salt ( Fleur de Sel or flor de sal is a salt that forms as a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates. It is in form of white crystal).

Sea salt contains potassium, a mineral that counteracts some negative effects of salt’s sodium.

Sea Salt has an ancient recognition of cleansing the human body, soul and mind physically and spiritually.

There are different types of Sea Salt. These different types include:

Smoked Salt. This salt is gotten by slowly smoking salt over a fire for up to two weeks.

Fleur de Sel or flor de sal is a salt that forms as a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates. It is in form of white crystal. It has been collected since ancient times, and was traditionally used as a purgative and salve. It is now used as a finishing salt to flavor and garnish food.

Hawaiian Salt.

Celtic Salt.

Flake Salt.

Different types of salts (1= Himalayan salt . 2= Smoked salt. 3 = Red Hawaiian salt. 4 = Fleur de Sel ( Sea salt). 5= Celtic grey salt)

1= Himalayan salt . 2= Smoked salt. 3 = Red Hawaiian salt. 4 = Fleur de Sel ( Sea salt). 5= Celtic grey salt


The proper combination of Sea Salt and garlic in a proper step by step usage to solve some life problems is the theme of this article.

However, the main Sea salt to be used here is Fleur de sel or flor de sal. It is commonly available in many countries of the world.

This was used in the olden African tradition to purify the land at any sign of negativity.

Fleur de sel or flor de sal ( Sea Salt). This natural items is commonly available in many countries of the world.


Take about four to Six pieces of garlic gloves and about one teaspoon of Sea salt. Blend the garlic to a fine paste and keep.

In a clean pot ( preferably a new virgin pot), add about one cup of clean untreated water ( preferably rain water, natural water or untreated borehole water) and warm it over the fire to reach a temperature of about 50 degrees centigrade.
(Note: Treated water contains chlorine. So do not use it.)

Then, add the one teaspoon of sea salt to the warm water. Carefully put the blended garlic into the mixture of Sea salt and warm water and stir very well with a new spoon or wooden spoon.

Next, sieve out the warm mixture careful with a clean sieve preferably new sieve into a good container and throw away the chaff. Then, preserve the liquid.


Note: This garlic and Sea salt liquid is to be used in bathing for seven days. The bath should be done daily for consecutive seven days. And it should be done before going to bed. Once you use this mixture to bath, do not take another bath.

In your bucket of bathing water, add the preserved liquid. Pray and say your intentions as you are bathing with it.


The following results are expected after effective use of these natural products.

♣️ Negative people will keep distance from you.

♦️ You are likely to experience terrible revelations in form of dreams.

♥️ There will be positive growth in business and financial activities.

♠️ Unnecessary marital and relationship problems are stopped.

? Many people who did this get positive favor and good will from people.

? Evil people will see you as a threat and will avoid you.

? The individual feel generally strong and can only suffer medically related health problems and never any form of projected sickness.


While preparing this natural items,

? Avoid foot wear. Go barefooted

? Avoid talking. Rather be praying and saying your intentions

? Try as much as possible to use new utensils

? Do not use either soap or sponge to bath

? Do not take another bath after this bath till the next day.

? Don’t use footwear while bathing.

? Never dry your body with towel or anything after the bath. Let the water dry on your body.

? Take notes of your dreams during and after the bath and act accordingly.

? Never use treated water but use natural water

? Do not use table salt.

? Prepare fresh one daily and use all. Do not use any prepared liquid twice.

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Natural Foods That Control Nervousness

About Precious Ropalia

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