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A lot of people are of the opinion that senior citizens who have retired from work should do whatever makes them happy and never abide by any bond. But there are a lot of things that senior citizens should avoid after retirement or from the age of sixty five
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Do Not Do These Eight Things After Retirement

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A lot of people are of the opinion that senior citizens who have reached retirement from work should do whatever makes them happy and never abide by any bond. But there are a lot of things that senior citizens should avoid after retirement or from the age of sixty five.

Below are the most important ones:

[I] Do not stay in one place. Avoid sitting down at a place watching movies, soccer, reading newspapers, etc. Get up move around and get fresh air. Walk around the block. Exercise moderately especially in the morning. Take evening walk around your vicinity.

[II] Do not stop learning. On no occasion should you think that you are too old to learn the latest technology. Learn new things, read emails, surf the internet, search for info on the internet and the basic use of the mobile phone are some of the most basic things senior citizens should learn to do in order to keep abreast of the real happenings of the world.

[III] Watch your dress code. Never dress in clothes suitable for teenagers in the name of meeting up with latest fashion trend. Just go for neat, decent and mature wears. Do not look frumpy, dull and antiquated. It is not good looking when one is plump, with loose skins and love handles or too wrinkly to dress in spaghetti straps; see-throughs; (super) mini skirts; clingy tops; midriffs, cosplay attire etc. You would not look cute or transposed back to your heyday but will look pathetic and people will not admire you.

[IV] Don not volunteer to babysit babies, toddlers or any sort of grandkids that your family members ask you to do. You have done your fair share of babysitting, parenting, feeding and changing nappies. Those who are parents should take up the act and responsibility as their roles require. It is okay if you are very very willing to do it, but not an obligation. You owe your children nothing after they are fully grown and left the nest. In cases where there is none to look after a kid or baby, employ a nanny.

Nothing wears out a senior citizen than baby-sitting. As simple as it might look, it is never a simple task.

[V] Do not stop what you love doing e.g. reading, swimming, hiking, meeting friends, exercising, eating at good restaurants, watching movies, travelling, drinking good wine, wearing nice clothes that are age appropriate so you look elegant, decent, clean.

[VI] Men should try as much as possible to stay and move in company of their wives as they used to do during early marriage days. Women have the rare gift of taking maximum care of of their partners. They are the wall to lean on and the listening ears to talk to at this stage of life.

This is not the time to enter new relationship or marry a new wife. Any woman or man coming to you at this stage of life is likely coming for material gain. They will spoil your relationship with your spouse of many years and leave in deeper sorrow than they met you.

[VII] Be careful with your friends. Be economical with your finance around your friends. Especially that friend you know too well that he or she loves borrowing without payment. Even those that will pay, mind the amount you lend out. Never join in any investment you have no previous knowledge of. Rather, invest more on your existing business or your spouse existing business. As long as your spouse is one you can have access to his or her finance anytime you have need.

[VIII] Always ensure that your spouse has access to your money in case of health emergency. Or have a trusted family member either son or daughter have your bank details. Sometimes, certain illnesses may not allow one to do things as simple as withdrawing money or sign bank papers for third party withdrawals.

Above all, do not neglect your personal hygiene to avoid having peculiar smell associated with old age.

Always visit your dentist for oral hygiene after retirement.
Always carry your family along in any heavy financial project you might embark on.

Get regular check up after retirement.

Avoid extreme weather after retirement.

Pray more than often.

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