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How To Cure Six Major Eye Problems With Natural Foods

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This article is about the major eye problems in human beings and their natural solutions.

The eye is one of the most amazing organs in the body with incredible high precision and performance. All the muscles of the eye are in constant motion to perform three tasks simultaneously for vision.

These three tasks are:

[1] Exploration of the field of vision.

[2] Opening and closing of the pupil in accordance with light availability [diaphragm].

[3] Modification of the curve of the lens of the eye according to distance of object to bring it into sharp focus.

person eye
Photo by Victor Freitas on Pexels.com The eye is one of the most amazing organs in the body with incredible high precision and performance. All the muscles of the eye are in constant motion to perform three tasks simultaneously for vision.

While performing these tasks, the eye continuously sends information to the brain through the optic nerve. According to research, the nerve cells that form the retina send information to the brain at a rate equivalent to 100Mb per second which only the fastest computer network can match this transmission today.

However, the eyes only need a very small amount of oxygen and few substances found in food to carry out all the above functions.


These food substances include; Vitamin A, Carotenoids, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

Below are the six major eye problems and their natural remedies:

{1} CONJUNCTIVITIS: Conjunctivitis may occur as a result of many factors like some germ infections, smoke irritation, lack of certain nutrients, lack of vitamin A and B which may cause dryness of the conjunctiva [the anterior membrane of the eye].

To avoid Conjunctivitis, intake of these foods should be prioritized:

[a] Apricot: Apricot provides provitamin A and B group vitamins which helps to maintain the delicate conjunctive membrane of the eye to remain in healthy state.

[b] Vitamin A: When the body lacks Vitamin A, the conjunctiva dries up. This in most cases lead to a health problem called xerophthalmia.

[c] Vitamin B: Vitamin B improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva.

{2} CATARACT: This is another major eye problems characterized by the opaqueness of the lens of the eyes. Before modern research, it was thought that cataract occurs as a result of old age and little or nothing would be done about it.

But today, it is ascertained that there is a close relationship between diet and cataract.

Provitamin A, antioxidant Vitamin C and E, fruits, vegetables can prevent the formation of cataract in old age.

close up photography of orange carrots
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com. This article is about the major eye problems in human beings and their natural solutions.
The eye is one of the most amazing organs

Nevertheless, the use of certain medications and exposure to ultraviolet and x-ray radiation can aggravate cataract.

However, these natural remedies can prevent cataract:

[a] Squash: This contains beta-carotene and potassium which prevents formation of cataract.

[b] Antioxidants: A diet low in antioxidant [beta-carotene, vitamin C and E], enables free radicals that form cataract. These antioxidants are mostly found in plant-based foods.

[c] Vitamin C: Due o high content of antioxidant, Vitamin C prevents formation of cataract. Natural sources include acerola, guava, currant and kiwi.

[d] Vitamin E: This is also a good antioxidant which is very effective in prevention of cataract. Sources include wheat germ and corn oil.

However, to prevent cataract, one should minimize the consumption of these foods below:

[i] Diary products.

[ii] Total fat.

[iii] Butter

[iv] Salt

bowl of spinach
Photo by Jacqueline Howell on Pexels.com. Spinach contains many carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein.

{3} GLAUCOMA: This occurs as a result of increase in the pressure of the liquid within the eye. This leads to atrophy of the retina and optic nerve lasing to impaired vision.

Although closed-angle glaucoma which is the most common form of glaucoma is due to an anatomical alteration of the eye. Type of diet can influence intraocular pressure leading to glaucoma.

The following food can save you from having glaucoma;

[a] Vitamin B1: Lack of this vitamin increases intraocular pressure. Sources of Vitamin B1 include; sunflower seed and wheat germ.

[b] Vitamin A: This reduces intraocular pressure. It is taken as provitamin [beta-carotene]. It is found in carrot, dried apricot and spinach.

[c] Oranges: Orange has high Vitamin C content and rutin which helps to reduce intraocular pressure. And other major eye problems.

Nevertheless the following foods should be avoided to stay safe from glaucoma:

[i] Trans-fatty acids

[ii] Coffee

[iii] Animal proteins

{4} VISUAL ACUITY [Loss Of Vision]: Many factors can cause loss of vision. These include; cataract, cerebral lesion, tumors, retinal dysfunction occasioned by diabetes or arteriosclerosis [narrowing of the arteries] and antioxidant deficiency.

Retinal dysfunction is most common cause.

Taking these foods regularly can reduce visual acuity due to antioxidant deficiency and cataract:

[a] Carrot

[b] Spinach; which contains many carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein.

[c] Apricot

[d] Squash

[e] Blueberry

[f] Blackberry

{5} MACULAR DEGENERATION OF THE RETINA: This is the most common cause of cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age. T he macular is only 2mm across and the most sensitive area of the retina in which most visual acuity is concentrated. Deterioration of the retina is triggered by; prolonged exposure to intense light, free radicals, lack of antioxidants.

Apart from protecting the eyes from light, these foods are known to prevent macular degeneration of the retina;

[a] Spinach

[b] Cabbage

[c] Orange

[d] Zinc

[e] Antioxidants

{6} NIGHT BLINDNESS: This a slow or complete inability to see in dark areas. This is always one of the first symptoms of lack of lack of Vitamin A.

Consuming the following foods can prevent this condition;

[a] Carrot

[b] Apricot

[c] Mango

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Photo Credit: Photo by Victor Freitas on Pexels.com

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