Li Hua was just 18 when a rare spinal condition left him completely folded – his face touching his thighs, his body bent in three different places. For almost three decades, he ate, slept, and lived seeing nothing but the ground. He was known as the “folded man” for 28 years.
Every doctor said operating was impossible. They were afraid any surgery would kill him.

But three people refused to give up:
A mother who never stopped searching for help
A doctor brave enough to attempt the impossible
And Li himself, who after 28 years of pain, still believed in miracles
It took four dangerous surgeries, breaking and reconstructing his bones piece by piece. Every single break could have ended his life.
But today, Li Hua stands tall. The man who spent most of his life folded can finally look up at the sky.
And his first words after recovery? “I could finally take a closer look at my mom. She looks older and her hair has turned gray. I feel so sorry… she can’t take care of me her whole life.”

Sometimes the impossible becomes possible not because of medical miracles, but because people refuse to give up on each other.
The Chinese man, Li Hua, more commonly know as the “folded man”, finally stands up straight after 28 years of suffering from ankylosing spondylitis. All thanks to a life-changing surgery.
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Credit: Article Written By Project Nightfall
Source: Facebook