However, former aide Stephanie Wolkoff has claimed Melania was negotiating a post-nuptial agreement to give Barron an equal share of Trump's fortune, reports the mailonline.
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However, former aide Stephanie Wolkoff has claimed Melania was negotiating a post-nuptial agreement to give Barron an equal share of Trump's fortune, reports the mailonline.
Read More »I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline: Today is two days after the 2020 election. Gasoline is currently $1.80-2.10 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.65% for a 30 year mortgage. The stock market closed at 27,848, even though we have been fighting COVID for 9 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33%. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers. Churches having come under persecution in blue states but as Christians we were all thankful that Christians were being defended by this administration, In case our President actually loses this election then I can remind everyone of how great things were at one point in our history. Keep a copy to compare later. 11-5-2020
Read More »Many northern Islamic elements had criticised the actress and threatened to attack her. While others lampooned them for being too strict on conventional matters.
Read More »Chin’ono had initially been detained for 45 days for “inciting public violence” before planned demonstrations against corruption and deteriorating living standards that were thwarted by a heavy deployment of police and soldiers.
Read More »A total of 1,200 tents were burned in the fire at the camp in Gajiram village in Borno state, according to Yabawa Kolo. Yabawa is an official of Nigeria’s Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).
Read More »Catherine Ugorji has been selected by the United Nations as one of two runners-up for the prestigious UN Woman Police Officer of the Year 2020 award.
Read More »My in-laws abducted my husband, seized our property after his death a widow had lamented. The widow, Mrs Olubunmi Kama, has narrated how her in-laws allegedly forcefully took away her sick husband, James, to an unknown location. And seized his property upon his demise, rendering her and their five children …
Read More »The police officer identified as Sgt Eze Aiwansone was arrested by his elder brother and handed over to the police command.
Read More »Former Director Public Relations of the Nigerian Army, Retired Brigadier General Sani Usman has said that blank ammunition was used during the shooting of peaceful protesters at the Lekki tollgates on October 20.
Read More »The Amnesty International has disputed Nigerian army’s claim that it did not shoot peaceful Lagos protesters. The Lekki shooting of October 20th 2020 is being evaluated and more facts are emerging.
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